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asked questions

Do you offer site maintenance/support?

Of course, we charge $600 for 3 months of support.  This gives you 10 hours of work used however you want.  Additional work is billed hourly at $50/hr.


How do you build sites in 14 days?

Let's face it, all good websites are made up of the same types of sections, laid out in different order and use different fonts, colors, and graphics.
We start with wireframe building blocks that get us 60% to a finished product.


Do you charge for hosting?

We transfer the site to you after we're done making it. You'll host it through Webflow, and they have monthly or annual billing options.


Why should I use teetop?

Our finished product is going to:
 1. Look how you expect it to.
 2. Get traffic, since it will be correctly set up and optimized for SEO
 3. Get done in 1/4 the time as an agency or freelancer starting from scratch
 4. We do all the boring stuff, like writing the copy and setting up Google Search Console / Analytics / Business Profile.

WebflowCertified SEO